Felipe Sanchez's P-47

Felipe bought his Hangar 9 P-47 Thunderbolt 150 a year and a half ago and decided to go full scale on it. I've been working on it for a over a year and now it is ready.
It weighs 16 lbs, has 12 servos (Hitec and JR) 9 of them digital, it has a 10 channels synthetized receiver from JR, a Zenoah G-38 with a slimline muffler, a battshare system from smart-fly to be able to use two batteries, both bombs can be dropped, it has a working retractable landing light, navigation lights on the wingtips and a full-scale cockpit with lights as well. It has almost 10.000 rivets that I created using a technique I saw in the web. All the plane is weathered and I did that mainly with an airbrush.

if you want to check the whole construction process as well as many more pictures of my beauty, please check www.felipeshangar.blogspot.com

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